
Wherever you go, it's important to keep yourself safe.  Here are some guidelines or expectations to follow when blogging:

  • Only use your christian name.  
  • Never give out your surname, address, or any other personal information.
  • Only our class blog, individual students will not be able to be identified in a photo, that they will not be named in a way that identifies them.
  • When parents, family members, and friends are commenting, we ask that you identify yourself as:  "Florrie, Nina's mum" - note, again surname's are omitted.
  • If in doubt - ask your teacher.
  • Don't share passwords with others.

Netiquette is a word used to describe 'online etiquette' or 'internet etiquette'.  It's all about the social manners and respect people demonstrate towards each other.  

We all have our own digital footprint - that is whatever we do online can be traced back to us.  We are responsible for whatever we do online.  

Below are some tips that we like to practise:
  • Always use correct language.  This includes GPS (grammar, punctuation and spelling) and not using text language.  This tells the reader that you have respect for them.
  • If you've used someone's idea, even part of it, acknowledge them in your post or comment.  The way we do this on our blog is to hyperlink to the post or site we are referring to.
  • Be positive in everything you say.  Always give at least when comment when you're responding to something someone has written.  If you want to make suggestions, be sure to do it in a friendly 'here's a new idea' way.
  • Don't assume the reader knows what you're thinking.  When you're communicating online (or anywhere in writing), it's helpful to give more detail and explain yourself more than you would when talking.  Your readers cannot see inside your mind.  When you are talking people can ask questions and when you are face-to-face people get to see your facial expressions and your body language.
  • If you happen to go on a website, or something pops up that's inappropriate, stop what you are doing straight away and let the teacher (or another adult) know immediately.
  • Proofread, proofread, proofread.  Again, this tells the reader that you have respect for them.  If you're commenting at home, it's a really good idea to get a parent to double-check after you've proofread.
  • Imitate how good role models behave online.


Thanks to Mrs Morris & Miss Jordan for having excellent Blog Guidelines that have been referenced in the writing of our 'How to Comment' and 'Cybersafety' pages.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Miss Mcleod
    I think that you gave some really good advive in that post.
    its great we are getting to know so many different people from all around the world, its alot of fun and im really enjoying it.
    From your kiwi friend
