Monday, April 2, 2012

Koru Art

This week, we are celebrating te reo Maori me nga tikanga, that is Maori language and culture.  

To begin our week, we created pieces of KORU Art. In Maori culture, the koru (typically seen on a fern frond) symbolises new life and growth.

We used the art techniques of silhouette and and symmetry.  Don't the finished pieces look stunning!

How do you celebrate native cultures in your class?
What pieces of art have you completed recently?


  1. Yes the completed work looks absolutely stunning, what a great post. We've done a bit of art this year but nothing like that, and the contrasts with the colour looks great.

    1. Dear Melville Intermediate
      I does look nice doesn't it. It is a fabulous post because we did the art and our teacher Miss Mcleod posted it on our blog. The colours our teacher picked were awesome black and white looks nice together expecially when theres lots of it in one big bunch.

      Have you ever done art like this before?


  2. Hello, I love that art. I am in grade 8 and we are currently working with water colors. Our last art project was impressionism. We had a lot of fun doing that. If you want to check out my blog, go to I wrote a review of The Hunger Games, which our class watched last week. We enjoyed it a lot, my friends also wrote a review, it you want to check that out just go to my class blog

    I would love to see comments from you in my blog and my class blog :)

    1. Hi there,
      Thank you so much for your comment. I am so glad you like our koru art. We all put lots of time and effort in to them. I love art and especially love working with water colours.
      What is impressionism?
      It sounds very intriguing! You and your class are so lucky that you got to watch the Hunger Games. I am going to see it soon and I hear it is really good. Once again Thank you for your comment.

      Hope to stay in touch,

  3. Yes the koru art was amazing to make. I agree that they look stunning. I really enjoyed making them and all to effort put into them was well worth it. I really like it when Room 24 does art together. I think that everyone enjoyed doing it.

    From your Class buddy


  4. This is really good artwork. I have recently completed a clock painting and I'm now working on a clay sculpture. Do you guys do clay pieces? Come check out my blog please
    Your friend,

  5. Hi Trevor
    Thanks for complementing our artwork. We dont work with clay as a class but the art extension group do all sorts of sculptures with clay.I never used clay before but would love to give it a go.
    What is a clock painting? What are you sculpting with the clay?
    I will be sure to check out your blog.

    Your kiwi blogging buddie

    1. Hey Aimee,
      Ah if you ever get to work with clay it's a lot of fun. My clock painting was a "Inspired By" theme. We had to choose and artist, My class had Jim Dine. Jim Dine would paint tools on the paper or hearts. My clock painting is basically a clock but instead of your normal hands you have wrenches for the hands if you want to see this artwork use this link : I don't have the steadiest hand but there it is. We are sculpting bells out of the clay and we are in the process of painting the bells. I hope to learn more about your culture
      Your blogging friend,

  6. Hi my name is Brent and I really like your Koru patterns. They were very creative and looks really cool and effective and it matches with the other patterns.
    By Brent from Melville Intermediate Rm5 in Hamilton.

    1. To Brent
      Thank you for your compliment Brent. I know what you mean, they are really awesome. I am so glad we did them because they had an great outcome.
      I think it was also cool because everyone enjoyed making it.

      Have you every done awesome art work like this before?

      From your blogging friend

  7. Gabrielle, St.John VianneySeptember 26, 2012 at 11:58 AM

    That is so cool! Do you just draw it or paint it? What other art ideas do you have?
